Punches for Manual Tissue Arrayer MTA1

Product Description: Punches for Manual Tissue Arrayer MTA1

Punches are sold as matched pairs: one to create a regular array of holes in a recipient block and a second punch to collect precisely sized cores from selected regions of donor tissue blocks.

Sets of 10 punches are also available for manual arrayer MTA-1.

More information about selecting punch size

Product ID Description
MP06 0.6mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2
MP06-10 0.6mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2, Pack of 10
MP10 1.0mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2
MP10-10 1.0mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2, Pack of 10
MP15 1.5mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2
MP15-10 1.5mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2, Pack of 10
MP20 2.0mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2
MP20-10 2.0mm Punch Set for MTA-1 and MTA-2, Pack of 10